Wednesday, October 1, 2008

God works in mysterious ways...

well this will be my first blog post, and it's not necessarily a current one, but it's by far the most significant thing that's happened to me in a loong time. last may, travis got deployed and it was so hard to say goodbye to him. i didn't know what was going to happen, but i was totally confident that he would come home and i knew that when he did i would be waiting for him. as months went by i had more and more nights that i just sat alone in my room and sobbed, wondering why WE had to go through this and why all of this had to happen to US.. little did i know that God had a plan up his sleeve.. travis got to come home for 2 weeks starting jan. 1st and he'd stay through the 17th. our time together when he was home was so perfect.. we got to vacation up north, open christmas presents together and just spend time with eachother! it was so great, which made it even harder when he had to leave for a second time.. even though he'd only be gone for 4 months this time, i knew it was going to be harder because i knew what to expect: all the nights alone, not going out, crying until my stomach hurt. i didn't want to go through it all again, but i still knew that i wasn't going to bail on him.. i told him i'd be there when he got home, and i meant it. i kept myself motivated those last 4 months, telling myself that once he got home everything would be amazing and perfect just like when he was home on leave. he finally came home may 28th this year and it was awesome. i just remember shaking when i first hugged him after he got off the bus because i was just so nervous and anxious for him to be home FOR GOOD. i wasn't used to him being around all the time anymore.. and just as i was expecting everything to be better for us, things started getting really hard. i don't even know how to explain it, but it was REALLY hard for us to get used to eachother again.. it's not like we ever fell out of love, but we were in two completely different environments for such a long time, and then thrown back together and just expected to know what to do.. we didn't know what to do... not for a while. but eventually all the hype of him just getting back and us not being used to it kinda died down.. we started re-visiting our favorite parts about our relationship that we had lost for a little while. we got to know eachother and eachother's quarks again, and totally fell in love all over again. once we realized that no matter how hard it got, we were going to work though it, things seemed to just work themselves out. i can honestly say that today i love him more than i ever have before. i'm now finally getting to see what God had planned all along.. he picked US because he knew that we could get through it and it would eventually make us stronger. who would have known that going through the hardest thing i've ever gone through would lead to me being happier than i've ever been? like i said.. God works in mysterious ways..


Meredith said...

i love it, thanks for sharing your heart!! you're such a cool girl and i'm glad we get to have you for girls nights!!

Miranda said...

Tara!! It is so awesome to hear this part of your story. I think you are just so cool and am so glad I'm getting to know you more.

Joni Williams said...

Tara Bear, I have prayed for 21 years for God to send a wonderful partner for my sweet son. You are so amazing and as always God has much bigger plans for us then we can ever imagine. I thank God daily you are in our world. Love ya Joni

AmyKristen said...

Tara! I didn't even know you had a blog! :) Keep posting. I loved reading your post. I got chills as I read it! I miss you dearest Tara. Thanks for sharing your heart!